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Launch Your Business
a. Schedule 1:1
b. Create a 90-Day Business Plan
c. Tools
- Attend or Host Live Wellness Previews (leveraging webcasts is available)
a. Power A Call (3rd Sat of the month)
b. Your advantage calls. TBA
Training and Support
c. 100K Club: Monday at 9am & Tues at 8am (you choose what works for you)
d. Morning REV, 385-799-9490, Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8am PST
Sizzle Calls. A 10min call of various product testimonials from people all over the world. Mon – Fri. 5:30pm. 385-799-9490
Watch “A Wake-Up Story” on YouTube
We are changing lives, one wellness home at a time
President Luis Kasuga: Living A Life in Balance in the Five Pillars of Health. Sept. 2019